This past Fall, I had the privilege of participating in a program called Artist INC. It's designed to teach artists how to run the business part of their art. Of course, as the oldest artist in there (wait a minute, I just realized that's true and I have to take a breath. Ok, I'm ok), when we got to the part of creating a web presence, I paid close attention. About half the artists in my class already had web pages. One of the artists in my group was Nolan Tredway. Look him up, really, you're going to wish you had bought one of his pieces before he realizes how much he's worth. I have one, and I'm instructing my son to hang on to it after I die because one day when Nolan is famous, it will be worth a lot of money. I admire Nolan, and think he is adorable (you get to say things like that about young men when you're pushing 60, it's a rule) so when he suggested using Square Space for a web page, I did. And COULD NOT GET ANYTHING DONE ON IT.
After crying only a little bit, I asked Elizabeth Noble for help. Liz is beyond cute, and fearless. She is also amazingly talented. Absolutely gorgeous art. If you live in the area, go look at her stuff at the Marz Bar in Lincoln. It's amazing. So, she brought wine to the studio, and we worked on it a bit and I thought I had it figured out.
So, periodically I would play around with it. And nothing happened. I mean nothing. (Well, maybe a few tears) Let me explain where I got stuck..... on the first page. The part where you put in the address.
I'll let that sink in a bit for those of you who are tech savvy. (I hope this isn't a trainwreck for the rest of you. I mean, I can't even watch videos of people trying to parallel park, it makes me want to scream "just crank the wheel, for the love of all that is holy, crank the wheel!")
I finally came to my senses and hired my wonderful friend Sarah Levis to put my webpage together. My intention is to show some of my art, blog a bit about works in progress, and generally have fun now that I've stopped crying.